Birth injury compensation can provide relief for several types of problems that may occur during childbirth Washington, DC. In these circumstances, it is important you receive the compensation you deserve. Some of these include subconjunctival hemorrhages, caput succedaneum, cephalohematoma, facial paralysis, bracial palsy injuries, fractured bones, and general brain injury. While these problems may be due to a difficult delivery process, there is also the possibility that injury to the infant was caused by medical error.
There are several different types of medical malpractice cases that can be considered for Washington, DC birth injury compensation. Below you will find a list of common medical errors that a woman may experience while giving birth. These situations are the fault of the doctor, and not the woman, and therefore she deserves medical compensation. These medical errors include:
- Failure in response to fetal distress
- Failure to recognize when the baby is trapped within the umbilical cord
- Failure to acknowledge abnormal bleeding
- Failure to acknowledge the necessity of a cesarean section
- Misuse of birth technology (such as forceps or vacuum extractor)
- Misuse of synthesized hormones that are used to induce labor
- Failure to acknowledge any other possible birth complications
- Failure to properly care for the baby post-birth, including problems with circumcision or inability to take care of any possible infections
- Failure to properly take care any injuries the mother may endure during birth (including, but not limited to espistomies, pre-eclampsias, and uterine abruptions)
These are just a few of many circumstances that may deserve birth injury compensation. If you have experienced something that is not on this list, but still think you deserve compensation, please do not hesitate to contact our lawyers. We are happy to work through your individual case and find out the type of compensation that best fits your situation.
What Our Lawyers Do
Concerning birth injury compensation, our attorneys are dedicated to providing you superior service. Our mission is to use all the information available in order to better understand the circumstance, and then find out the reason for the birth injury. From there, we’re able to start working to gathering the compensation you deserve.
Our attorneys will review all of the baby’s medical records, as well as the records that are associated with the birth of the baby and it’s neonatal care. In most cases, we have these records reviewed by a doctor or nurse. Once we have all of the information necessary, we will proceed in gathering the compensation you need.
Regardless of the situation, our attorneys are ready to help you receive the birth injury compensation you need. Contact our offices today, and we’ll help you begin your medical malpractice claim.
Read More: Birth Injury Laws Washington, DC | Birth Injury Washington, DC | Birth Injury Compensation Washington, DC | Erbs Palsy Birth Injury Lawyer